• How do I register for a course?


    • Please use the website links for the class in which you wish to register, and follow the links to register electronically.
    • Alternatively, you can register for a course by phone at (212) 239-3055 or email at info@internationalwinecenter.com or you can visit us to register in person.
  • Can I spread my payments out?


    The only class that allows you to make two payment installments is our Level 4, Diploma, D3 course. All other course payments are due in full at the time of registration.


  • When can I pick up my materials?


    If you are taking an Online Course, we will ship your materials to you at no extra expense.

    If you are taking an in-person course and choose to pick up your materials, they will be available to be picked-up after you receive your course registration receipt via email.

    Our office is open Monday to Thursday, 10am to 5pm

    To verify that a team member is available to give you the materials, please call us at 212-239-3055 in advance.

  • Can I skip the Level 1 Wine course and begin directly with the Level 2 Wine course?


    Yes, you can skip the Level 1 Wines course and begin directly with the Level 2 Wines course. However, if you have had limited formal exposure to wine you might choose to begin with our Level 1 Wines course.

  • Can I skip the Level 2 Wines course and begin directly with the Level 3 Wines course?


    You can skip the Level 2 Wines course only if you have completed one of the following:

    • Successfully completed the Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW) course of the Society of Wine Educators
    • Successfully completed a WSET-sanctioned entrance exam (Level 3 Entry Exam)
  • How does the Level 3 Entry Exam work?


    • The Level 3 Entry Exam tests your knowledge of material covered in the Level 2 Wines Course. The online exam has 50 multiple-choice questions to be completed online in 45 minutes. You need an 80% grade or higher to pass. If you pass, you can skip the Level 2 Wines course and begin directly with the Level 3 Wines course.
    • To sign-up for the entry exam, please choose a Level 3 Wines course that you wish to take, and register for that course through our website, indicating on the Enrollment Agreement  that you wish to take the Entry Exam. (We will not process your credit card payment until you pass the Entry Exam and qualify for Level 3.) Please register and request the exam early — at least ten days before your course deadline or start date. We will process a charge of $40 for this exam, and order your Level 3 Entry Exam for you. You will then receive log-in credentials from WSET to take that exam online. (These are log-in credentials, not a link.)
    • You must take the entry exam within two weeks of our ordering it for you.
    • Your results are available to you immediately upon completion of the exam. However, you must inform IWC of your pass so that we can verify your pass with WSET. When you finish your entry exam, email us your results and, after confirming your results, we will process your Level 3 registration. Please allow at least a few days before your course deadline for this process, or you could be closed out of your preferred course. If you do not pass the Entry Exam, we encourage you to register in the Level 2 Wines Course so that you may proceed to Level 3 in the future.
    • Please find our registration page below: http://www.internationalwinecenter.com/registration/
  • Can a credential from the Court of Master Sommeliers qualify me for your Level 3 course?


    No, a Court of Master Sommeliers credential is not a valid entry qualification for the Level 3 Wines course.

  • Can I make-up a Level 2 Class that I miss?


    Effective October 31, 2022:

    In Level 2 it is unlikely to have space in a course to make-up a class as courses are almost always at full capacity. However, the presentation materials can be sent to you once the class has taken place, and by request.

    If you miss a class, please email info@internationalwinecenter.com with the following information:

    • Your name
    • Course name/number (i.e.: IC 1822)
    • Session number and date of the class you missed

    We will email you the materials presented from the class session you missed.

    WSET materials are very thorough and the Level 2 exam contains no tasting assessment. Therefore, historically, students have not been affected by missing a class as long as they keep up with their reading.

  • Can I make-up a Level 3 Class that I miss?


    Only Level 3 allows you to make-up a class that you miss (space permitting). If you know in advance that you will be missing a class, please advise us as soon as possible, so we may start the process.

    You will need to provide us with several pieces of information. Email Info@Internationalwinecenter.com  with:

    • Your name
    • Current course number (i.e.: AC 123)
    • Session number and date of the class that you will be missing
    • Your desired class date.
      • Alternative Level 3 class schedules can be found on our website
      • You cannot chose a class taking place later than your Exam date
      • Make-ups are only available in-person; there are no online or recording sessions available

    When you agree to a date, we will confirm your spot upon your payment of a $30 admin fee. Please note that there very likely may not be a make-up class available before your exam date, as most courses are at full enrollment.

    Only 1 (one) make-up session allowed per students as space is very limited.

    WSET materials are very thorough. Therefore, historically, students have not been affected by missing a class as long as they keep up with their reading.

    We strongly recommend that you do not miss more than two classes in a Level 3 course. If you must be absent for more sessions than that, we suggest you sign up for a course with a different schedule, or that you consider an online course.

  • Can I join the next level before my results come back from the previous level?


    You cannot register for Level 3 Wines or Level 4, Diploma without your exam results from the previous level. However, you can sign up for the Level 2 Wines course without Level 1 Wines exam results.

  • How long do the results take to be returned?


    As soon as we receive your exam results, we will e-mail you, and subsequently will mail you your certificate and detailed grade.

    • For in-person exams: Emailed Results (pass/ fail notification):
      • Level 1: approximately 6-7 weeks from exam date
      • Level 2: approximately 6-7 weeks from exam date
      • Level 3: approximately 10-11 weeks from exam date
    • For in-person exams: Mailed Results:
      • Level 1: 8 – 10 weeks from exam date
      • Level 2: 8 – 10 weeks from exam date
      • Level 3: 12- 14 weeks from exam date
    • For remote online (RI) exams: Emailed Results (pass/ fail notification):
      • Levels 1 and 2: approximately 9-11 weeks from exam date
    • For remote online (RI) exams: Mailed results:
      • Levels 1 and 2: approximately 11-13 weeks from exam date
  • Can I buy a textbook without taking a course?


    No, we cannot sell textbooks apart from the full study kit. The study kit itself comes only with paid course registration.

  • Can I take an exam without enrolling in and attending a course?


    No, we cannot sell an exam without your participation in a full course. The only time that you can register for just an exam is when you are re-sitting a failed exam.

  • If I studied with a different WSET school, can I take my exam in New York at IWC?


    We will need to verify your exam eligibility with the other WSET school, you will need to pay for the exam, and we will need to determine whether space is available.

  • What is the meaning of the deferral deadline for an exam?


    When you are registered in a course, we automatically assign you to the exam date associated with that course. The referral deadline is the date by which you must notify us if you want to defer your exam, so that we can apply your exam pre-payment (part of the course registration) to a new date without penalty.

    If you need to defer again, we will charge you a $40 deferral fee.

  • Is the school open on weekends?


    IWC is open on weekend days, including Fridays, only when a scheduled class is in progress. Office services are not available on those days. But if you want to attend a class on a weekend day, we have many options in our course offerings.

    Our office hours are as follows:

    • Monday – Thursday, 10:00am to 5:30pm
    • Friday, Saturdays, Sundays, open only for classes in session.
    • Please note that staff will work remotely on Fridays, and are available via e-mail.
  • Can I register for a course before I am 21?


    You can register for a class before you are 21 only if you will turn 21 before the first day of class. Please note that you must provide a valid government issued ID proving that you have turned 21 before the course begins.

  • Do you keep credit card information on file?


    No, we do not keep credit card information on file, for security purposes.

  • Will I receive a 1098T form from International Wine Center so that I can deduct the cost of my courses on my tax return?


    No, you will NOT receive a 1098T form from IWC. IWC is not an accredited school such as a university, and therefore we cannot issue the form 1098-T to substantiate an education expense.

Frequently Asked Questions about the WSET Diploma Program

  • What is the WSET Level 4 Courses (Diploma) Program?


    The Level 4 Courses are designed to build specialist knowledge of the principal wines of the world and the commercial factors relating to them, as well as a thorough system for the professional evaluation of wines. This program is one of the most demanding and challenging courses of wine study offered in the world and fulfills one of the prerequisites for entry into the Master of Wine program.

  • Is the WSET Level 4 Courses Program for me?


    If you are a wine professional or consumer who is serious about pursuing a high-level, internationally recognized wine credential, and you hold the WSET Level 3 credential, these courses will be appropriate for you. The program is designed for those in the trade wishing to progress to roles such as food and beverage management, marketing specialists, wine buyers, sales executives and other professional roles. The program will aid those who are required to make managerial decisions, interpret information and have a thorough understanding of market trends and trade and legal requirements in a variety of industry sectors.

  • What are the entry requirements for the Level 4 Courses (Diploma) Program?


    The WSET Level 3 Wines credential is a prerequisite for entry into the Level 4 Program — that is, a passing grade in either the WSET Level 3 Advanced Course or the WSET Level 3 Wines Course.

  • Are there any exceptions to the WSET Level 3 Advanced Course requirement?



  • How is the Level 4 Courses Program structured?


    Level 4 is divided into six required units:

    • Wine Production, D1
    • Wine Business, D2
    • Wines of the World, D3
    • Sparkling Wines, D4
    • Fortified Wines, D5
    • Independent Research Assignment, D6

    You begin your studies in the WSET Level 4 Courses by registering for Wine Production, D1 and passing the written examination. After passing that exam, you will register in Wine Business, D2; these units establish the foundation for continuing study. Enrollment in Wine Production D1 includes official registration with WSET as a Level 4 student for a three-year period, during which time you may register for the remaining Units and attempt the assessments associated with each.

  • Do people typically finish within the three-year registration period?


    Most people who complete Level 4 do so within two years, unless they have suspended or postponed their studies for personal or professional reasons.

  • I have other questions about how the Level 4 Courses Program operates. Where can I get help?


    To learn all of the details about how the program operates please visit the WSET website section on Level 4 Diploma in Wines here. Additionally, you can download and read the document labeled Level 4 Specification found on that page. If this doesn’t answer your questions, please contact us at IWC at (212) 239-3055.

  • How much does the Level 4 Program cost?


    • Wine Production, D1 — $1858*
    • Wine Business, D2 — $748
    • Wines of the World, D3 — $4078
    • Sparkling Wines, D4 — $998
    • Fortified Wines, D5 — $1068
    • Independent Research Assignment, D6 — $338

    * Includes the three-year WSET Level 4 Registration

    Prices are valid for courses and exams offered during the academic year ending July 31, 2020 and are subject to change without notice.

  • Are there any additional costs associated with the Level 4 Courses Program?


    All study materials for the Level 4 courses are made available to you as online documents. Ideally, you also will have access to a well-stocked wine library.
 Highly recommended for Wine Production, D1, but not required, is Sally Easton’s Vines & Vinification which is available for sale at IWC for $44.73.
 We also encourage students to form study/tasting groups to help spread the cost of wine for tasting practice and foster an exchange of ideas.

  • Where are the Diploma Classes held?


    All classes are held at International Wine Center, 350 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1201 and typically run from 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.

  • How do I register for the Level 4 Courses Program?


    All incoming students must begin with Level 4 Wine Production, D1. Visit the D1 Course page for the course description and registration information. To register, please call us at (212) 239-3055 from 9:30am till 6pm and we will be happy to help you.

  • Do all of the Level 4, Diploma Units need to be completed to attain WSET’s Diploma in Wines qualification?


    Yes, you must complete all 6 units to receive your WSET Level 4, Diploma in Wines Award.

  • Can I take the Level 4, Diploma Units in any order that I’d like?


    All candidates must begin with Wine Production, D1. Once you pass D1, you need to progress to Business of Wine, D2. Thereafter, you can take the remaining units in any order that you like.

  • Can I take more than one Level 4, Diploma Unit at a time?


    • This depends on which Units you plan to enroll in. Some students choose to double-up when enrolling in smaller Units such as D4, D5 and D6.
    • Because of the intense study, we do not recommend taking more than two units at a time.
    • Due to the extended length of the D3 course, students may wish to combine it with a smaller Unit.
    • Please call the office for recommended course combinations.